
Karen Fricke Quilts

My medium is fabric, my method is quilting, and the source of my inspiration is frequently the written word.

About Me

It may be a poem, a quotation, a prayer. The thoughts and feelings ignited by those words form mental images, which I sketch first on paper, and refine until I am satisfied with the design. The sketch becomes my working pattern, and I employ a wide variety of methods for creating the image in fabric, from traditional piecing and appliqué to raw edge applications. I frequently embellish my quilts with reverse bobbin embroidery and hand beading. I finish all my quilts with hand-guided quilting on  a long-arm machine, using abstract, thematic motifs inspired by the words and images that first caught my attention. I enjoy sharing my interest in art quilts as an instructor and lecturer, and as the author of numerous articles for quilting and sewing magazines.

Latest from the Blog

Silks and the City

I’m working on a commission of three torah mantles for a synagogue. During the design process for such a commission, I share several swatches of fabric from my stash with the project committee, to try to get an idea of what colors appeal to them. This group fell in love with one of the fabrics, and…

It’s Been a Minute. . .

Welp. In the time it’s taken me to write a new blog post, we packed up our home of twenty-five years, and moved to New Jersey to be close/closer to our kids and grandkids. Our stuff was in storage for a year, while we renovated a 1950’s ranch in North Caldwell, a stone’s throw from…

Bug-eyed for Quilting Arts!

I was so excited to hear from Quilting Arts several months ago about their Fall 2021 edition, which was focusing on Nature. My buggy quilts would fit into that theme perfectly! So I wrote the article, shipped my quilts to them, and waited for the print copy to come out. They even interviewed me for…

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